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Updated: Sep 3, 2022

women of color with glowing skin
Beautiful women of color

The skin is not only the largest organ of the body, but it is the most visible; so its health is paramount to our well-being and confidence. The skin serves several important functions, which include protection, regulating body temperature, and storing water, fat, and vitamins.

The skin has its own metabolism, so just like your digestive system will not metabolize certain foods; mostly those loaded with chemicals, your skin won’t process strange cosmetic ingredients.






Lacking oil

Lacking water.

Large pores and shiny appearance.

Smooth and supple.

Dull and tight.

Fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable

Overactive sebaceous gland.

Contains just the right amount of oil.

Prone to milia and premature aging.

Cellular function; is reduced.

Prone to blemishes, blackheads, and acne.

Not prone to spots.

Combination skin: As the name implies, it’s the combination of all skin types. The forehead, nose and chin tends to be oily while cheeks are tight and dry.

If you are not sure of your which skin type, kindly try the following test before going to bed:

1. Wash your face to remove all traces of dirt, oil and makeup.

2. Do not apply any moisturizer or night cream or any other product that you normally use.

3. Before washing your face, the next morning, press a piece of tissue paper or brown wrapping paper to your face, especially chin, nose and forehead (T-Zone).

4. If the paper does not show any oily residue, you have dry skin. Normal skin will show a small amount of oil and oily skin will definitely show a large stain

Facial cleanse
Woman cleansing her face

Beauty Hack For A Glowing Skin

Glowing skin can also be called normal skin. The skin looks healthy and “awake” rather than dry, dull, or unevenly textured. Exfoliating your skin twice daily with any of the following tips can make glowing healthy skin attainable.

1. Mix cucumber juice and curd together and apply to your face. This homemade face mask helps remove all sorts of blemishes from your face, making it spotless and glowing on continuous use.

2. Cucumber juice, apple juice and lemon juice mix is a great aid in making your face fair and glowing.

3. Rubbing tomato on your face is a very nice and time-tested home remedy to get glowing skin and shrinking open pores. Option for oily skin.

4. Potato juice and lemon juice mix is a great natural remedy for making your skin flawless and glowing.

5. Try a homemade facial mask consisting of sandalwood powder, rose water and turmeric. Apply this mask on your skin for making it fair and glowing. Very effective beauty tip for oily skin types.

6. Slather your skin with natural face pack consisting of oatmeal powder, egg yolk, honey and milk for 15 minutes. You will be amazed to get baby soft and lovely skin in a jiffy. Option for dry skin.

7. Apply carrot juice over your face to brighten your complexion naturally.

8. Mix 2 spoon of mint juice with half spoon of lemon juice. Use this home remedy on your skin to get fairer skin; this pack knocks out the whiteheads as well as exfoliates the skin.

9. Application of aloe vera juice is a great aid in getting rid of facial blemishes and getting glow on the skin naturally.

10. Rub ice cubes on your skin to improve the blood circulation and have a natural flush on your cheeks instantly without make-up. Option for normal skin.

11. Tomato pulp and honey face mask is a great aid in making your skin fair and glowing naturally.

12. Mix sunflower oil with sugar and rub on your face and body to get a true radiant and clear skin all over.

13. Apply 2 tablespoons of soybean flour, one and half spoon of curd and one spoon of honey on your lackluster and dull skin to brighten it instantly. What is more, this face pack tightens dropping skin too to make it firm and youthful.

14. One egg white and one spoon of honey mask is a great anti-aging face pack which brings a healthy glow on your face instantly.

15. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, fighting off bacteria and free radicals that can harm your skin. Try to drink at least one cup of green tea a day.

16. Speaking of coconut oil, mix it with baking soda for a killer facial scrub that will help with eczema.

17. Lavender oil and aloe vera juice can help minimize acne scars.

18. yogurt makes a fantastic hydrating face mask. Apply a layer to your skin and wash it off after about 15 minutes.

19. Blend 4 spoons of raw papaya paste and one spoon of coconut oil together and apply on your face for 20 minutes.This home remedy is extremely beneficial in getting rid of facial blemishes and dullness. A sure shot herbal beauty tip for glowing and clear skin.

20. Exercise as often as possible; this is important to staying healthy and keeping your skin clear.

Cheers to healthy skin!




Techdiced TV
Techdiced TV
Aug 18, 2021

Your articles are always so helpful, thanks for sharing!


Adedokun Michael
Adedokun Michael
Aug 18, 2021


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